The valley is situated in the east of the country and light industries, manufacturing, trades and agricultural productions are the main part of the economy. La valle è anche la patria di molti scrittori e artisti famosi, dall’antichità ai giorni nostri.
Oggi la regione di Fergana (3.752 abitanti nel 2019) è la regione della valle più visitata dai turisti locali e internazionali. Le infrastrutture turistiche della valle sono in fase di sviluppo per attirare molti turisti stranieri e locali. The most touristic destinations are considered Kokand, Rishtan and Margilan cities in the valley.
Kokand is one of the most ancient and historical cities in Fergana Valley, and according to historians, it is more than 2000 years old. La popolazione di Kokand supererà i 250.000 abitanti nel 2020. Since ancient times, this city has been an important city for the ancient Great Silk Road caravan routes and it is still does not lose its importance for modern transport.
Kokand was the capital of the Kokand Khanate, one of the three khanates that existed in the Central Asia in the 18th -19th centuries * (Kokand – the capital of Kokand Khanate, Khiva – the capital of Khiva Khanate, Bukhara – the capital Bukhara Emirate). The period of khanates is important in the history of modern Uzbek statehood and in the national borders of modern Central Asia. Orda (palace), mosques and mausoleums preserved in this city are now important and interesting places for local and foreign tourists.
The city of Rishtan (population about 45,000) is located near the city of Kokand and it is one of the oldest destinations in Fergana region. Over the centuries, the city of Rishtan has served as a major military and economic fortress. Chinese, Indian, and later Russian merchants crossed this city. Pottery has been developed in Rishtan since ancient times. I prodotti dei famosi vasai di Rishtan erano molto popolari nei mercati orientali. Ancora oggi, le ciotole, le brocche e le ceramiche realizzate dai maestri rishtani sono note non solo in Uzbekistan, ma anche all’estero. Nella regione operano centinaia di piccole e grandi imprese di ceramica. A Rishtan ci sono diverse scuole di ceramica, che suscitano grande interesse nei turisti stranieri.
Margilan is one of the most densely populated cities in Fergana region (population over 250,000). This small town is famous for its artisans, scientists and scholars for thousands of years. In 2007, the city’s 2000th anniversary is celebrated by UNESCO.
According to manuscripts, in the 9th century AD Margilan was an important city at the Great Silk Road. Babur was our compatriot, who lived in the 15th century and the founder of Baburi empire * (Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, the founder of the Baburi empire in India, is a descendant of Timurids. The great empire that ruled from 21.04.1526 to 21.09.1858). Taj Mahal complex in Agra was built by one of his successors Shojakhon. In his book in “Boburnoma” “Margilan – a rich city in many good things. Peaches and pomegranates are also very good” mentioned by Babur. Dal 1710 al 1876, il centro del Khanato di Kokand fu la città di Margilan, che svolse un ruolo strategico fondamentale.
È chiaro che l’artigianato e il commercio sono sempre stati molto sviluppati in città. I mercanti di Margilan svolsero un ruolo importante nel commercio dell’Asia centrale. Come sapete, l’artigianato e il commercio sono sempre stati all’avanguardia in città. Inoltre, i mercanti margianesi svolsero un ruolo importante nel commercio dell’Asia centrale.
Besides that the largest producer of the highest quality national silk products in Uzbekistan, “Yodgorlik” company is situated in this city. Margilan è sempre stata famosa per i suoi tessuti di seta e cotone tessuti a mano e per i tappeti di seta. Nowadays, Local and foreign tourists can visit this company for the purpose of observing the production process of products. Inoltre, l’open bazar orientale di Margilan è molto attraente e sorprendente per i turisti stranieri.